Ladder testing &
certification for
Portable Ladders
We provide ladder testing to EN 131 for manufacturers, importers and Regulators. From testing to a single clause to a full review, we can help. Our T&RGETMARK Certification Mark could help if you are looking for Certification. The requirements are based on a Ladder Association certification scheme, which we manage on their behalf. Our T&RGETMARK helps portable ladder suppliers show to their clients and end users that the product conforms to standards. |
Leaning, standing and combination ladders
We provide ladder testing for leaning, standing and combination ladders which fall under the scope of European standard EN 131 parts 1, 2 and 3. EN 131 steps have a maximum total load rating of 150kg with two different ratings – Professional and Non-professional.
These standards have undergone significant change in the past few years, so you can rely on our teams unrivalled knowledge and expertise of EN 131 ladders.
Our tests are conducted in accordance with the combined requirements of EN 131, which includes:
EN 131-1
Terms, Types, functional sizes
This part contains the key terms and definitions to describe portable ladders. It includes the dimensional requirements for:
- One-piece leaning Rung Ladders
- Sectional ladders
- Extending ladders
- Standing rung ladders
- Combination ladders (2 section & 3 section)
- Leaning step ladders
- Standing step ladders
- Standing rung and step ladder
EN 131-2
Requirements, testing, marking
Part 2 contains all of the requirements for materials and design. It also includes all the testing requirements – 15 in total. We will test your ladders in accordance with the combined requirements of EN 131, which includes:
- Dimensional requirements
- Materials and Design
- Strength - ladder and rungs/steps
- Torsion test of rungs/steps
- Bending of the stiles
- Platform strength for step ladders
- Lateral deflection
- Torsional strength
- Opening restraints on standing ladders
- Base slip & foot pull out
- Durability of standing ladders
- Stile end strength

EN 131-3
Marking and user instructions
All ladders must be provided with markings and an instruction manual. Part 3 contains the requirements for these which include:
- Basic marking on the ladder
- Safety marking and user instructions
- Safety signs
- Basic safety marking and user instructions for all ladders
- Leaning ladder markings
- Standing ladder markings
- Combination ladder markings
- Extending ladder markings
- Single or multi hinge-joint ladder markings
- Telescopic ladder markings
Portable ladder testing and certification helped LFI improve their R&D process
Leading ladder manufacturer, LFI, were having issues with their certification body. Poor customer service and slow response was costing LFI time and negatively impacting bringing new products to market.
Their move to the Test & Research Centre gave them confidence and added value to their business.
Find out more by reading the case study.

When you have your product tested and certified by Test & Research Centre, we’ll grant you a licence to use the T&RGETMARK. The T&RGETMARK is Certification Mark, owned and managed by Test & Research Centre, and applied to qualifying products as a mark of quality assurance.