T&RGETMARK granted to Parrs for UK made Kick Step

Step stool testing

First T&RGETMARK goes to Parrs for UK-made Kick Step Test & Research Centre is proud to announce the first access product to hold its T&RGETMARK Certification Mark. Parrs had struggled to find a Certification Body to help them – until they came to T&R.  19th January 2021 Parrs & the Kick Step F Parr Ltd […]

Testing Vs Certification?

ladder testing

Testing vs Certification? What is the difference between testing and Certification? Does it mean the same thing? Does it matter anyway? By the end of this 2 minute read, you should know the difference and why it is important.  18th November 2020 What is Testing? At some point in the development of any product, it […]

What is the value in Certification?

The value of Certification The word ‘Certification’ is thrown around a lot, but it has a very specific meaning. Do you know what it tells you about a product and why it’s such an important factor to consider before you make a purchase? By the end of this article, you’ll have a better understanding of […]

New investment in automated fatigue ladder testing equipment

ladder testing

New investment in automated fatigue ladder testing equipment The Test & Research Centre is announcing new investment into automated fatigue ladder testing equipment. It has been designed for cyclic ladder testing for products up to nearly 6m tall. With the new machine, T&R will be able to test and certify ladders to BS EN 131 […]

Mobile Tower standard EN 1004 is changing

The mobile tower standard, EN 1004, is changing The European mobile tower standard, EN 1004, is changing. The Test & Research Centre’s General Manager, John Darby, was involved in the revision process from the very first meeting over 10 years ago and helped ensure the new standard incorporates all the latest thinking on tower safety. […]

T&R testing helps stop dangerous ladders at port

Test & Research Centre helps stop dangerous ladders at port When Suffolk Trading Standards Imports Team intercepted a suspicious shipment of ladders, they turned to the Test & Research Centre for assistance. We quickly proved that the products were dangerous and so they were prevented from entering the UK market. Learn how we went about […]